Dec. 21, 2021

50 - (LOST Only) Live Together, Die Alone - Parts 1 and 2

50 - (LOST Only) Live Together, Die Alone - Parts 1 and 2

In this special Lost-only episode, Sami and Pat review the two-part Lost Season 2 finale (Live Together, Die Alone: Parts 1 & 2). Pat has a bizarre 7th grade survival skills experience. We have several phenomenal ideas for improving life on the island. Alternate Title for this Episode: #StopTheScramble

In this special Lost-only episode, Sami and Pat review the two-part Lost Season 2 finale (Live Together, Die Alone: Parts 1 & 2). Pat has a bizarre 7th grade survival skills experience. We have several phenomenal ideas for improving life on the island. Alternate Title for this Episode: #StopTheScramble